24 June 2008

The prologue is done!!!

Diary Entry- 12th June, 2008

Sick world, eh?

Guy was murdered outside my house the other day, cops only just cleared off. I have lived in this godawful town for 17 years, and nothing has ever happened. Why is it, that whenever you just accept something, fate comes back and inverts it all. The most boring place on the planet, and there are going to be news crews and police around the neighbourhood for the next week or so. Not brilliant for someone who suffers from mild xenophoia*. But, if there's one thing I have learned about life, it's that you just have to put up with stuff sometimes. But yeah, so much for this being the place where nothing happens.

I don't know if I'll bother going to school tomorrow, seeing as everyone at school is going to be asking me about anything and everything to do with the murder. I know my mum doesn't like it when I truant, but if she really wants me to spend 6 hours in an enclosed room with 30 total imbeciles, none of whom I associate/sympathise with, then she is in some need of assistance. It's not like I learn anything there anyway, is it. It does get annoying though, going aainst the grain of society. Like whenever I do go to school, the head teacher always wants to talk to me about my long absences, and my mum sits me down for a "seious chat" every once in a while. But I guess that is the price of some basic kind of freedom. If like freedom, you should find it somewhere else though, my way of life is a lonely and unhappy one. I have separated myself from any other people that I should hold dear to me, at great cost to me and anyone that ever loved me. My heart is akin to a stone plunged into the arctic ocean, and left there for a thousand years. This is me, and I see nothing changing me. I am devoid of any commitments, and I intend to keep it that way.

My name is [umm, help please?]. I am 17 years old, and very odd, if you measure me against society's norm. I have a recorded IQ of 170, but my actual IQ would be much higher. I am labelled many things, but I have very little respect for labels assigned to me. I hate nothing more than spending time with other people my age, and they hate spending time with me, so I have just decided to avoid anyone my age. Me not being one to discriminate, however, I have basically avoided everyone for the past 18 months.

The only thing in my life that is honest, true, and has any meaning to me is math. Math is both the love- and the bane- of my life. In my short life alone, I have discovered 13 brand new theories, proved 43 little known ones, as well as accrueing the equivalent of an advaned P.H.D in Mathematics.

In spite of all that though, I am not famous, nor loved nor cherished. I lay forgotten in the middle of nowhere, living this superficial life, locking myself in my room, and keeping everything in my life totally secret. Gifted, would be the term for my abilities, but that is not true. I would cross a sea of nails to be normal, to lead an ordinary life. As I am, I am disregarded, misunderstood and unloved. So I lock myself away in the only place I have left- My room.

Everything I have ever known, been or loved is in my room. Nobody else wants to, or is allowed to enter it. I come in here to escape the people who want to learn about my "gifts". They don't know me, don't want to, and never will. I have put up barriers around my life, and no-one will ever be able to bring them own; no-one will ever be close to me; I will never be close to anyone else. And the depressing thing is, this is the way I prefer it under my circumstances- if no-one understands me, and nobody wants to, then I don't want to know them.

Rough, I know. The text comes after the graphic section, if you were wondering.
I think I will do th whole thing like this now- as in, the narrative are first person diary entries, but the graphic sections are very often separate from him, and he is never the main subject of them. This would be a nice way to put different views into the story, without upsetting the flow.

As per usual, please tell me what you think (if there is, actually anyone there, of course).

Also, struggling with names for the character. I want it to be something unusual, definitely, because then it has the potential to be something he detests, and I can play around with it, adding a new facet of misery to his life.

20 June 2008

Reality check

Thinking to myself, today, I came up with the idea that if I am going to write about a maths genius effectively, I might actually have to become one. Cue endless reading of advanced mathematics, and me being incredibly bored. Well, that's what you get for wanting to write a book, I guess. I will be putting my little brain to work more and more very soon, as well as drawing upon the infinite wisdom of others.

I have had very few developments in the past few days, but with any luck, that means one is coming up soon. I will try my hand at writing the first draft of some form ofprologue over the weekend, which should be fun.

Until then, have fun and take care.

18 June 2008

The geek test

Some will say that I am sad, have no life, etc. In fact, many do. But I won't let that get me down, because I got my highest ever score on the geek test toda. It's the little things, I know, but it means a lot to me. I get the highest in my family by a long way (and if you knew my family, you would know that is an achievement). I got 86.39053% - Dysfunctional Geek- pasted from the website. I don't know anyone who got higher than that, and if you have, please let me know, so i can adourn you with multiple medals and awards.

That's all, I have to go to bed now anyway, but at least I am happy. XD

17 June 2008

Character Profiles and other miscellaneous things

so, I was bored in Biology today, so I started to build some form of character profile for the main character, who I have now decided to call -.

Name: -
Age: 17
Height: 1.9m (6')
Weight: 60kg (9st.)
Hair colour/style: light brown/curly, long
Build: slim, semi-muscular
Face: chiseled jaw, light stubble, unblemished
Eyes: blue
Shoe Size: 9 (UK)
Wears: Jeans, assorted Tees, nothing really special
Distinguishing marks: birth mark on left hand

Interests: maths, more maths, visualising outcomes and situations, and art

Dislikes: Other people. Doesn't like people around him, gets bullied, teased, etc. tends to lock himself in his room, with some maths homework to do. Hates school, is failing in everything, and tends to truant a lot. Pursues anything academic in his own time.

Bit basic, will add more to this as time goes on, ya know?

16 June 2008

The Haven

I figured it was about time I gave a mention to you guys. You have been my rock over the past two months, possibly the only thing that has kept me going. My inspiration. Believe me, if I had a bad word to say about the haven, then I would say it.

Stuff has been happening lately, and it hasn't been happening the way I would have it happen, ya kno how it is? Well, school is getting better, I suppose (a hell of a lot better then it was, anyway), but there is still something missing. I know I don't fit in with most of my peers,but they don't have to rub it in, do they?

anyway, back to the title, it is nice to know that there are others like me, and that I can always call on you, so thanks guys! XD

15 June 2008


So, I've been down here since 6am, pondering the problem of my characters. I had a few ideas about him (I have decided it is a him now). One was that he is a mathematical genius, hence the title change to "the powers of nightmares," what do you think?

Also, it is most certainly set in Middle England, since I have all the research I need right under my nose, and I was considering using a program called google sketchup for my graphic scenes. You can see almost what I mean by checking out the blog of a friend of mine. It's http://www.giantmonster.tv/ . I didn't get the idea from him, but it is eerily similar to what I was thinking.

I don't know how many people are reading this blog, or how many will be, but if you are, thank you.

14 June 2008

First Steps

Welcome to my blog. I will post anything here. Anything from my thought processes, which will include my opinions of people in the public eye, world affairs, pure thoughts typed up, straight from my brain, as well as any news on my book, which I think may be called 'Regard the Power of the Nightmare, but, you never know.

Some things I do know about my upcoming book is that it will be a combination of pictures and narrative sections, and that it will follow a roughly 17 y.o boy through one year of his life.

He is a gifted child, and in his life he experiences depression, bullying, misunderstanding, love, hatred, escapism, and of course, nightmares. With regards as to what I will post, there will be news on progress, as well as extracts/illustaretions that I produce.

Feel free to comment on anything, as long as it is not overly bigoted or insulting. Speaking your mind is to be promoted, but do try to keep it socially acceptable. I do moderate any comments on here, btw.

Final message, have fun and enjoy!!