18 June 2008

The geek test

Some will say that I am sad, have no life, etc. In fact, many do. But I won't let that get me down, because I got my highest ever score on the geek test toda. It's the little things, I know, but it means a lot to me. I get the highest in my family by a long way (and if you knew my family, you would know that is an achievement). I got 86.39053% - Dysfunctional Geek- pasted from the website. I don't know anyone who got higher than that, and if you have, please let me know, so i can adourn you with multiple medals and awards.

That's all, I have to go to bed now anyway, but at least I am happy. XD


Anonymous said...

You really don't have a life ^_^

Max PW said...

You don't needto tell me that. XD