31 July 2008


Is so over-rated.

Why does everyone like it so much- I hate hot weather, and I'm forced to go outside in it, I mean it's bad enough in doors, with a load of fans, but outside, noway- I start to melt.

23 July 2008

Modelling Work

Well, this is nowhere near finished, so bear with me, but these are some renders of an aircraft I am modelling for my arts award.

Please tell me what you think, and a big thanks to Justin Chin (www.giantmonster.tv) for inspiration for this work. Well, here they are:

12 July 2008

On The Subject Of Dimensions

okay, so the past week I have been off school, giving me a bit of time to think about multi-dimensional physics. I was pondering this piece of information:

we live in 3 dimensions, and live through the 4th

We, or anything else in this world, are 3 dimensional shapes, but we exist in the 4th dimension, time. Reasonable enough- without time we would not be able to live, so it seems right to say we live in it.

But, after a long time of thinking, came up with this one:

there are x dimensions and nothing can exist without living in all of them.

we don't know how many dimensions there are (string theory says 11, I think), but we can visualise 4 of them (those 4 being height, width, length and time).

Forget bout the other possible dimensions for the moment, and focus on these ones. if one of those dimensions is missing from an object, then that object cannot exist.
E.G. is a shape has x length, y width, but no height, then it cannot exist physically, because it would be too thin. Also, if something has x length, y width, z height, but has no existence in time, then it does not exist, because the length of time it is around for is infinitesimal- which, arguably, is 0.

So, now you understand (I hope) that without any one dimension, something cannot exist, you can begin to reason that perhaps, there are other dimensions. The only problem is that the human mind cannot comprehend them, but we can accept their existence nonetheless. Each one would be different to the other, but have the same importance as any of the 4 dimensions we can comprehend.. Get it?

It's okay if you don't, don't really either. XD

4 July 2008

Fun Fun Fun...

So, I am at my dad's house, which I am very happy about, because I like my dad's house, even if I do have  really bad cold. I will stay out of the details of it, though.

After my previous post, the one about the annoying thing I can't quite explain, my mind went into an overdrive, churning out ideas faster than... umm... well, you get the idea. I designed (very sketchily, I must admit) an expansion on what we consider to be mathematics.

I based it on the conclusion that there are to many problems with maths as we know it for us to have the complete picture so, there must be more. I probably have the whole thing totally wring, but I figured I may as well have a stab at it- what's the worst that can happen?

I know this will be doing my head in for a good long while, so I will try to get some time off thinking. I might do some drawing tomorrow, or writing- whatever suits me best. Frisbee is definitely on the menu, though 

2 July 2008

An Annoying Thing That I Can't Quite Explain

if 17*0=0
and 3*0=0
then 17*0 = 3*0 is true
cancel out the zeroes 17 = 3

So there you have it. If anyone can start to explain to me the flaw with my reasoning there, I would be very happy. The only way that 17 cannot equal 3 is if some of the other parts are incorrect. The part I find most likely to be false is the 3rd one (I highlighted it for convenience). The reasoning behind that being that the 2 others are certainly true, and the 3rd one has the possibility of not being. Look at 0 as, instead of the singularity point for mathematics, as just one more symbol in an endless production line. For example, if you take -5 as the singularity point, then 0 would be equivalent to 5, and therefore 0^2 would be 25, but minus 5, because the singularity point has been moved back 5 spaces, meaning that every number is worth 5 more than normal. So, 0 squared, in that instance, is 20.

You may be wondering what the point in that was, but I can tell you that it will be important. Now that you understand that the singularity point can be moved back an infinite number of places, and eventually out of existence, you can begin to look at 0 in a different light. If 0 had a value, just like any other number, 17*0 and 3*0 would have very different values. But because common mathematical law states that anything multiplied by 0 equals 0, we are stuck. The only answer is to say that 0 can stand for an infinite number of values, but every value of 0 has the same properties. I would need to think about this one more before I can say more on it, but when you divorce 0 from its usual position in the decimal system, it can be very interesting.

That was what was bothering me, and if anyone can suggest anything else, then it would help a lot- I might finally be able to sleep at night.

1 July 2008

Michael Franti

He is a musician, and anti-war campaigner. My favourite song of his is Bomb the world, the lyrics of which are below. He is a great guy, and I like his music. This song particularly is very moving, so please read it, and decide whether or not you like it. His songs are on youtube, as everthing is nowadays.

Anyway, here it is:

Please tell me the reason
Behind the colors that you fly
Love just one nation
And the whole world we divide
You say you're "sorry"
Say, "there is no other choice"
But god bless the people them
Who cannot raise their voice


We can chase down all our enemies
Bring them to their knees
We can bomb the world to pieces
But we can't bomb it into peace
Whoa we may even find a solution
To hunger and disease
We can bomb the world to pieces
But we can't bomb it into peace

Violence brings one thing
More more of the same
Military madness
The smell of flesh and burning pain
So i sing out to the masses
Stand up if you're still sane!
To all of us gone crazy
I sing this one refrain


And i sing power to the peaceful
Love to the people y'all
Power to the peaceful
Love to the people y'all

Bomb the world (armageddon version)

I don't understand the whole reason why
You tellin' us all that we need to unify
Rally round the flag
And beat the drums of war
Sing the same old songs
Ya know we heard 'em all before
You tellin' me it's unpatriotic
But i call it what i see it
When i see it's idiotic
The tears of one mother
Are the same as any other
Drop food on the kids
While you're murderin' their fathers
But don't bother to show it on cnn
Brothers and sisters don't believe them
It's not a war against evil
It's really just revenge
Engaged on the poorest by the same rich men
Fight terrorists wherever they be found
But why you not bombing tim mcveigh's hometown
You can say what you want propaganda television
But all bombing is terrorism


We can chase down all our enemies
Bring them to their knees
We can bomb the world to pieces
But we can't bomb it into peace
Whoa we may even find a solution
To hunger and disease
We can bomb the world to pieces
But we can't bomb it into peace

Fire in the skies
Many people died
And no one even really knows why
They tellin' lies of division and fear
We yelled and cried
No one listened for years
But like, "who put us here?"
And who's responsible?
Well, there's no debatin'
Cause if they ask me i say
It's big corporations
World trade organization
Tri-lateral action
International sanctions, satan
Seems like it'll be an endless price tag
Of wars tremendous
And most disturbingly
The death toll is so horrendous
So i send this to those
Who say they defend us
Send us into harm's way
We should all make a rememberence that
This is bigger than terrorism
Blood is blood is blood and um
Love is true vision
Who will listen?
How many songs it takes for you to see
You can bomb the world to pieces
You can't bomb it into peace


Power to the peaceful
And i say, love to the people y'all
Power to the peaceful
And i say, love to the people y'all


The bit in red was only temporary, and is not in my version, since it is now somewhat dated. Still though, it means something. He just wants peace- doesn't want to upset someone.

Plans for the future

Chapter 1

Part 1
Graphic: Scene in school, two kids walking down a corridor, smoking. Look very scruffy. Kid comes along, the kind you can tell that would be bullied. They throw him into the lockers, leaving a dent. Throw their cigarettes to the side, and walk into maths. Main character walks past, with a look of contempt. Does nothing for the boy, however.

Part 2
Graphic: In maths now, kids throwing things across the room, teaher going increasingly purple and loud. Main character seen sighing. Closeup on maths book, which happens to be totally unrelated to the work set. Someone throws a chewed toffee at him, and we cut to a written section.

Part 3
Written: Basically writes about the people at school, and problems he has been working on. Not really that long.

Chapter 2

Part 1
Graphic: I was thinking about this one, but I'm not sure, whether to show the news reprt through special panels, like a tv screen.

Part 2
Written: Sees in the news a mysterious murder case; I haven't got that far yet. Will work out the details, though. Resolves to solve it. Quite long, since it details the murder investigation. Decides to do some more research into similar cases, and on that case, from multiple news agencies.

Not so sure about the one in red, so give me any opinions you have on that one. I hope to get some stuff up here soon, but no promises. I know I have been on a blogging spree in the past few minutes, that's just because I have a lot to update. XD

I am also still figuring out a theme, so it may change irregularly. If you like one of the themes, tell me which one it was and I may put it back up.

Prologue Ver. 1.1

Guy was murdered outside my house the other day, cops only just cleared off. I have lived in this godawful town for 17 years, and nothing has ever happened. Why is it, that whenever you just accept something, fate comes back and inverts it all. The most boring place on the planet, and there are going to be news crews and police around the neighbourhood for the next week or so. Not brilliant for someone who suffers from mild xenophoia*. But, if there's one thing I have learned about life, it's that you just have to put up with stuff sometimes. But yeah, so much for this being the place where nothing happens.
-This one is actually staying the same

I don't know if I'll bother going to school tomorrow, seeing as everyone at school is going to be asking me about anything and everything to do with the murder. I know my mum doesn't like it when I truant, but if she really wants me to spend 6 hours in an enclosed room with 30 total imbeciles, none of whom I associate/sympathise with, then she is in some need of assistance. It's not like I learn anything there anyway, is it. It does get annoying though, going against the grain of society. Like whenever I do go to school, the head teacher always wants to talk to me about my long absences, and my mum sits me down for a "seious chat" every once in a while. But I guess that is the price of some basic kind of freedom. If you like freedom, you should find it somewhere else though, my way of life is a lonely and unhappy one. I have separated myself from any other people that I should hold dear to me, at great cost to me and anyone that ever loved me. My heart is akin to a stone plunged into the arctic ocean, and left there for a thousand years. This is me, and I see nothing changing me. I am devoid of any commitments, and I intend to keep it that way.
-same again

My name is [umm, help please?]. I am 17 years old, and very odd, if you measure me against society's norm. I have a recorded IQ of 143, which supposedly puts me well inside the top 1% of achievment. I am labelled many things, but I have very little respect for labels assigned to me. I hate nothing more than spending time with other people my age, and they hate spending time with me, so I have just decided to avoid anyone my age. Me not being one to discriminate, however, I have basically avoided everyone for the past 18 months.

The only thing in my life that is honest, true, and has any meaning to me is math. Math is both the love- and the bane- of my life. In my short life alone, I have discovered 3 brand new theories, proved 14 little known ones, and I have probably attained a similar understanding of the finer points of mathematics as a university graduate.

In spite of all that though, I am not famous, nor loved nor cherished. I lay forgotten in the middle of nowhere, living this superficial life, locking myself in my room, and keeping everything in my life totally secret. Gifted, would be the term for my abilities, but that is not true. I would cross a sea of nails to be normal, to lead an ordinary life. As I am, I am disregarded, misunderstood and unloved. So I lock myself away in the only place I have left- My room.

Everything I have ever known, been or loved is in my room. Nobody else wants to, or is allowed to enter it. I come in here to escape the people who want to learn about my "gifts". They don't know me, don't want to, and never will. I have put up barriers around my life, and no-one will ever be able to bring them own; no-one will ever be close to me; I will never be close to anyone else. And the depressing thing is, this is the way I prefer it under my circumstances- if no-one understands me, and nobody wants to, then I don't want to know them.

Red is edited, black is not. I am thinking of removing the mention of IQ altogether, tell me what you think. It will be a poll in a few minutes. Also, please critique this version.

small steps...

I know I havn't had time to be on here for a while, which is really bad- I don't want this blog to die in its infancy. I was bored yesterday, so I did one of those hexagon things that people use to measure intelligence for my character. If anyone knows what they're called, then they can tell me- I went google diving, but came out with nothing.

As you can see, the social skills part is a bit lacking, but he is a recluse, so, what do you expect? He has slightly less initiative and creativity, since he is used to following rules, some of the initiative and creativity he did have has been proverbially beaten out of hime. They are still very high though.